Vector Icon Box Pro

  1. Vector Icon Box Pro Login
  2. Vector Icon Box Program
  3. Vector Icon Box Pro Plus
  4. Vector Icon Box Pro Software
  5. Recycle Icon Vector

Software Products

Licence Grant
Axialis SA ('AXIALIS') grants you a non-exclusive license to use this software, and any associated documentation ('The Software'), as indicated herein. If you have purchased a Single User License, one copy of the Software may be installed and used, for internal use only, on a single computer. The Software is in 'use' on a single computer when it has been loaded into temporary memory (i.e. RAM) or installed into permanent memory (hard disk or other device) of that computer. If you have purchased a Multiple User License (you specified several copies of the software when you purchased it), the Software may be installed and used, for internal purposes only, on the number of computers authorized at the time of purchase.


The user MAY: (a) use the Software in a company, corporate or organization; (b) redistribute compiled or created documents for commercial purpose; (c) make a copy of the software for archival purpose only; (d) install the Software on another computer only if have a you change of workstation. In such a case you must uninstall the software from the previous workstation.

In an SVG image, a color can be applied to the fill property for the following SVG shape elements:,. As a result, SVG image icons can be saved to FileMaker Pro themes and their appearance can be dynamically updated. To apply color to an SVG element, ensure that the fill color is not explicitly. Free Vector Graphics Software Design with Vectr. Vectr is a free graphics software used to create vector graphics easily and intuitively. It's a simple yet powerful web and desktop cross-platform tool to bring your designs into reality. Draw the second part of the shirt vector's collar. #6A6A6A #979797; Step 9. Combine the collar parts of your T-shirt mockup vector: Step 10. Assemble the T-shirt mockup vector! How to Recolor the T-Shirt Mockup Template Step 1. Your basic T-shirt mockup in Illustrator is done.

The user MAY NOT:(a) copy and distribute the Software or any portion of it; (b) sublicense, lease, rent, or transfer this Software to another; (c) cause or permit reverse engineering, disassembly, decompilation or alteration of this Software; (d) remove any product identification, copyright notices, or other notices or proprietary restrictions from this Software; (e) copy the documentation accompanying the software.

This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the Software, together with all copies thereof. This License will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy the Software, together with all copies thereof.

This Software and its source code are proprietary products of AXIALIS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The Software is licensed and not sold. You acquire only the right to use the Software and do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the Software other than those specified in this License.

Recycle icon vector

Vector Icon Box Pro Login

Disclaimer Of Warranties
The Software is supplied 'AS IS'. AXIALIS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the Software.

Disclaimer Of Damages
AXIALIS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the Software, even if AXIALIS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.

Vector Icon Box Program

Icon Sets

Licence Grant
This is a legal agreement between you ('user') and Axialis Software('Axialis'). This agreement applies to licenses issued via Internet and local sales representatives, and is applicable to digital and physical delivery of the icons, modified by the user or not, included in the stock icon sets ('icons'). Axialis grants the user a non-exclusive license to use the icons, as indicated herein.

The license is user-based. This means that each user of icons in projects must acquire a license. Use of icons in projects such as applications, websites, documentations or any distributed media is subject to the following terms and obligations:

Vector Icon Box Pro Plus

The user MAY: (a) use the icons royalty-free in commercial projects, without limit of time. This means that the user can use the icons in an unlimited number of projects without paying additional fees; (b) modify, create derivative work of the icons; (c) include the icons in a project for a client as long as this client does not modify or enhance the project after delivery.

The user MAY NOT: (a) copy and distribute the icons or any portion of the set without including them in a project; (b) include a collection of icons in a project for the sole purpose of increasing the value of this project, as a library of image or icons for example; (c) sublicense, lease, rent, or transfer the icons to another; (d) include the icons in a logo or trademark; (e) use the icons in a BSD (Berkeley Systems Distribution) open source project.

This License is effective until terminated. You may terminate it at any time by destroying the icons, together with all copies thereof. This License will also terminate if you fail to comply with any term or condition of this Agreement. Upon such termination, you agree to destroy the icons, together with all copies thereof.

Vector Icon Box Pro Software

The icons are proprietary products of AXIALIS and are protected by copyright and other intellectual property laws. The icons are licensed and not sold. You acquire only the right to use the icons and do not acquire any rights, express or implied, in the icons other than those specified in this License.


Recycle Icon Vector

Disclaimer Of Warranties
The icons are supplied 'AS IS'. AXIALIS disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The user must assume the entire risk of using the icons.

Disclaimer Of Damages
AXIALIS assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of the icons, even if AXIALIS has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Any liability of the seller will be limited to refund the purchase price.

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