JS Blocker

What version of jQuery does the BlockUI plugin require?
BlockUI is compatible with jQuery v1.2.3 and later.
What has changed in version 2 of the BlockUI plugin?
  • Elements are no longer removed from the DOM when unblocking
  • The default overlay color is now black instead of white
  • The available options have been consolidated and sanitized
  • The way in which options are passed to the plugin has changed
  • Support for Opera 8 has been dropped
  • The internals have been restructured for improved readability
  • displayBox functionality removed (other plugins do this better)
Is my code that used the old blockUI plugin compatible with the new 2.0x version?
No, not if that code was passing options to blockUI. The manner in which options are passed has changed slightly. See the Options page for details on how to pass options in the new version.

If you're seeing this message, that means JavaScript has been disabled on your browser, please enable JS to make this app work. Embed Code of Widgets Widget Features. Widget Width: Widgets have dynamic width (i.e. The widget adjusts itself to the available width). Widget Skin: Most widgets are available in nine skin colors (viz. Aqua, Blue, Electric Blue, Gray, Green, Purple, Red, Yellow and White).

Does the BlockUI Plugin have any dependencies on other plugins?
Can I use blockUI with TypeScript?
Yes. BlockUI user Joseph Atkinson has kindly provided a TypeScript declaration file for that purpose.
How do I use an external stylesheet to style the blocking message?
See this demo page.
How do I use an external stylesheet to style the blocking overlay?
See this demo page.
Can I change the default message text used when blocking the page?
Yes. The default message is stored in $.blockUI.defaults.message. You can change it simply by assigning a new value, like this:
Can I change the color or transparency of the overlay?
Yes. The default overlay CSS is stored in $.blockUI.defaults.overlayCSS. You can choose a different default overlay color and transparency value like this:
Does BlockUI support Opera 8?
Why don't I see overlays in FF on Linux?
Several people informed me that full page opacity rendering in FF/Linux is crazy slow, so by default it's disabled for that platform. You can enable it by overriding the applyPlatformOpacityRules property like this:
I don't want the message content to be centered. How do override the default position?
See this demo page.

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Predefined feature lists
  • default
  • Mail Only
  • disabled
  • Create and edit a feature list
  • Delete a feature list
  • Selectable features

Js Blocker Firefox

Table of Contents

  • Overview
  • Predefined feature lists
  • default
  • Mail Only
  • disabled
  • Create and edit a feature list
  • Delete a feature list
  • Selectable features

Feature Manager

Valid for versions 94 through the latest version

Last modified: March 26, 2021


This interface allows you to edit feature lists, which you can assign to packages that you apply to cPanel accounts. Feature lists provide or prevent access to specific cPanel features.

Predefined feature lists

cPanel & WHM includes the default, disabled, and Mail Only feature lists. These predefined feature lists determine which features are automatically assigned to new or existing feature lists.


The system grants cPanel users access to the default feature list’s selected features by default. If you disable a feature in this feature list, the system disables that feature by default for all users using the default feature list. To override this configuration, create a new list and assign it to your cPanel users.

Mail Only


The Mail Only feature list provides cPanel users access to only mail-related features, such as Email Archiving or Apache SpamAssassin™. If you are a reseller who only owns a mail server, use this feature list.


This predefined feature list is not intended for use with a cPanel account or a package. Instead, assign a cPanel account or package the default feature list, but define the feature you do not want available on the server in the disabled feature list.

The disabled feature list serves as a list of features unavailable to all users and feature lists on your server. This feature list will also override any settings changed in other feature lists assigned to users.

Create and edit a feature list

To create a new feature list or edit an existing feature list, perform the following steps:

  1. Choose one of the following settings:

    • To create a new feature list, enter the desired feature list name in the Add a new feature list text box and click Add Feature List.

      Choose an easy-to-remember name so that you can properly assign it.

    • To edit a feature list that already exists, select the desired feature list from the Manage feature list menu and then click Edit.

  2. Select checkboxes to enable features, or deselect checkboxes to disable features.

    To disable a feature in the disabled feature list, select the feature’s checkbox.

  3. Click Save.

Delete a feature list

When you delete a feature list, the system assigns the default feature list to deleted feature lists’ packages and accounts.

To remove an existing feature list, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Manage a feature list menu, select the feature list to remove.

  2. Click Delete.

Selectable features

  • This table lists the cPanel interfaces for the default cPanel theme (Paper Lantern). If you use the another theme for the cPanel interface, these interfaces and locations may vary slightly.

  • Various settings and customizations from other interfaces can add or remove features from this interface.

  • Some cPanel features may require that you enable additional settings in order for them to function. Read each feature’s documentation for additional information.

  • This interface displays a Legacy label if the feature corresponds to a deprecated theme.

  • This interface may display additional interfaces that third-party software or plugins provide.

  • The following list may not be canonical for every server.

Js Blocker Firefox

On most cPanel & WHM servers, you can select the following features:

  • Addon DomainsAddon Domains interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Addon Domains).

  • Address ImporterAddress Importer interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Address Importer).

  • Agora Shopping Cart — This feature is deprecated.

  • AliasesAliases interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Aliases).

  • Analog StatsAnalog Stats interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Analog Stats).

  • Apache HandlersApache Handlers interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Apache Handlers).

  • Apache SpamAssassin™Spam Filters interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Spam Filters).

  • Apache SpamAssassin™ Spam Box — Enables Apache’s SpamAssassin’s Spam Box feature.

  • API Shell (for developers)API Shell interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> API Shell).

  • API TokensManage API Tokens interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> Manage API Tokens).

  • Application ManagerApplication Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Application Manager).

    To enable this interface, you must also install install the one of the following Apache modules:

    • ea-ruby24-mod_passenger
    • ea-ruby27-mod_passenger

    CentOS 7 supports both Ruby 2.4 and Ruby 2.7. If your system runs AlmaLinux 8 or CentOS 8, you can only use Ruby 2.7.

    If needed, you should also install the following modules:

    • ea-apache24-mod_env — This module allows your application configuration to set environment variables for your application.
    • ea-nodejs10 — This module supports NodeJS applications.

    Additionally, for Python WSGI applications, you must install Python and the pip application.

  • AutorespondersAutoresponders interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Autoresponders).

  • AutoSSL — Enables AutoSSL functionality.

  • AwstatsAwstats interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Awstats).

  • Backup ManagerBackup interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Backup).

  • Bandwidth StatsBandwidth interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Bandwidth).

  • BoxTrapperBoxTrapper interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> BoxTrapper).

  • Calendars and ContactsCalendars and Contacts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Calendars and Contacts).

    You must also enable the following settings for this feature to function:

    • The cPanel DAV Daemon setting in WHM’s Service Manager interface (WHM >> Home >> Service Configuration >> Service Manager).

    • The Enable Horde Webmail setting in the Email tab in WHM’s Tweak Settings interface (WHM >> Home >> Server Configuration >> Tweak Settings).

  • Change LanguageChange Language interface (cPanel >> Home >> Preferences >> Change Language).

  • Change StyleChange Style interface (cPanel >> Home >> Preferences >> Change Style).

  • Configure Greylisting — Configure Greylisting interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Configure Greylisting).

  • Contact InformationContact Information interface (cPanel >> Home >> Preferences >> Contact Information).

    To disable this interface in cPanel, you must also disable the Update Notification Preferences setting.

  • cPanel Market — Enables cPanel Market functionality.

  • CPU and Concurrent Connection Usage Plugin — This feature is deprecated. Use cPanel’s Resource Usage interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Resource Usage).

  • Cron JobsCron Jobs interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Cron Jobs).

  • Default AddressDefault Address interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Default Address).

  • Directory PrivacyDirectory Privacy interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Directory Privacy).

  • Directory Selection PopupDirectory Selection window when the user opens the File Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> File Manager).

  • Disk Usage ViewerDisk Usage interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Disk Usage).

  • Dynamic DNSDynamic DNS interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Dynamic DNS).

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 5.5 — Allow the account to use PHP version 5.5.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 5.6 — Allow the account to use PHP version 5.6.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 7.0 — Allow the account to use PHP version 7.0.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 7.1 — Allow the account to use PHP version 7.1.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 7.2 — Allow the account to use PHP version 7.2.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 7.3 — Allow the account to use PHP version 7.3.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 7.4 — Allow the account to use PHP version 7.4.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • EA4 - Allow PHP 8.0 — Allow the account to use PHP version 8.0.

    The interface only displays this feature if you have installed this PHP version on your server.

  • Email AccountsEmail Accounts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Accounts).

  • Email ArchivingArchive interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Archive).

  • Email Deliverability (Authentication)Email Deliverability interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Deliverability).

  • Email Delivery Route (deprecated) — This feature is deprecated.

  • Email Disk UsageEmail Disk Usage interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Disk Usage).

  • Email Domain ForwardingForward All Email for a Domain setting in the Forwarders interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Forwarders).

  • Email Filtering ManagerEmail Filters interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Filters).

  • Email TraceTrack Delivery interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Track Delivery).

  • Error LogErrors interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Errors).

  • Error PagesError Pages interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Error Pages).

  • File and Directory RestorationFile and Directory Restoration interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> File and Directory Restoration).

  • File ManagerFile Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> File Manager).

  • Forwarder ManagerForwarders interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Forwarders).

  • FTP Account ManagerFTP Accounts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> FTP Accounts).

  • FTP Settings — Allows the user to manage FTP settings.

  • Git™ Version ControlGit Version Control interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Git Version Control).

  • Hotlink ProtectionHotlink Protection interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> HotlinkProtection).

  • ImagesImages interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Images).

  • Index ManagerIndexes interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Indexes).

  • IP BlockerIP Blocker interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> IP Blocker).

  • Latest VisitorsVisitors interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Visitors).

  • Leech Protect (requires Directory Privacy)Leech Protection interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> Leech Protection).

  • Mailing ListsMailing Lists interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Mailing Lists).

  • Manage DNSSECDNSSEC settings in the Zone Editor interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Zone Editor).

  • Metrics EditorMetrics Editor interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Metrics Editor).

  • MIME TypesMIME Types interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> MIME Types).

  • ModSecurity® Domain ManagerModSecurity® interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> ModSecurity).

  • MultiPHP INI EditorMultiPHP INI Editor interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> MultiPHP INI Manager).

  • MultiPHP ManagerMultiPHP Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> MultiPHP Manager).

  • MX Entry — Enables cPanel’s Email Routing interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Routing) and allows users to view and edit MX records in cPanel’s Zone Editor interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Zone Editor).

  • MySQL — Enables MySQL®.

  • Optimize WebsiteOptimize Website interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Optimize Website).

  • Password & SecurityPassword & Security interface (cPanel >> Home >> Preferences >> Password & Security).

  • Perl ModulesPerl Modules interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Perl Modules).

  • PGP/GPG — Enables PGP and GPG encryption.

  • PHP Pear PackagesPHP PEAR Packages interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> PHP PEAR Packages).

  • PhpMyAdmin — Enables phpMyAdmin.

  • PhpPgAdmin — Enables phpPgAdmin.

  • PostgreSQL — Enables PostgreSQL®.

  • Raw Access LogsRaw Access interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Raw Access).

  • RedirectsRedirects interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Redirects).

  • Resource UsageResource Usage interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Resource Usage).

    This feature only displays on servers that run CloudLinux™.

  • Ruby on Rails — Enables Ruby on Rails®.

  • RubyGemsRubyGems interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> RubyGems).

  • See PHP Configuration — This feature is deprecated.

  • Select PHP Version PluginSelect PHP Version interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Select PHP Version).

    This feature only displays on servers that run CloudLinux™.

  • Server Status ViewerService Information information in cPanel’s Server Information interface.

  • Setup Node.js App PluginSetup Node.js App interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Setup Node.js App).

    This feature only displays on servers that run CloudLinux™.

  • Setup Python App PluginSetup Python App interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Setup Python App).

    This feature only displays on servers that run CloudLinux™.

  • Setup Ruby App PluginSetup Ruby App interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Setup Ruby App).

    This feature only displays on servers that run CloudLinux™.

  • Site PublisherSite Publisher interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Site Publisher).

  • Site SoftwareSite Software interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Site Software).

  • SSH Access & TerminalSSH Access interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> SSH Access) and Terminal interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Terminal).

  • SSL Host Installer — Enables SSL certificate installation.

  • SSL/TLSSSL/TLS interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> SSL/TLS).

  • SSL/TLS WizardSSL/TLS Wizard interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> SSL/TLS Wizard).

  • Subdomain Stats — Enables statistics for subdomains.

  • SubdomainsSubdomains interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Subdomains).

  • Theme SwitchingTheme menu in the General Information section of cPanel’s Home interface.

  • Track DNSTrack DNS interface (cPanel >> Home >> Advanced >> Track DNS).

  • Two-Factor Authentication (Google Authenticator) - Two-Factor Authentication interface (cPanel >> Home >> Security >> Two-Factor Authentication).

  • Update Notification Preferences — Enables notification preference settings in the Contact Information interface (cPanel >> Home >> Preferences >> Contact Information).

  • Virus Scanner — Enables ClamAV virus scans.

  • Web DiskWeb Disk interface (cPanel >> Home >> Files >> Web Disk).

  • WebalizerWebalizer interface (cPanel >> Home >> Metrics >> Webalizer).

  • WebmailWebmail feature in the Email Accounts interface (cPanel >> Home >> Email >> Email Accounts).

  • WHMCS (cPanel) — The WHMCS cPAddon in cPanel’s Site Software interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Site Software).

    This feature only displays on servers where you install the WHMCS cPAddon in WHM’s Install cPAddons Site Software interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Install cPAddons Site Software).

  • WordPress (cPanel) — The WordPress® cPAddon in cPanel’s Site Software interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Site Software).

    This feature only displays on servers where you install the WordPress cPAddon in WHM’s Install cPAddons Site Software interface (WHM >> Home >> cPanel >> Install cPAddons Site Software).

  • WordPress Manager — This feature is deprecated. Use the WordPress Toolkit plugin.

  • WordPress ToolkitWordPress Toolkit interface (cPanel >> Home >> Application >> WordPress Toolkit).

    This feature only displays on servers that you install the WordPress Toolkit plugin.

  • WordPress Toolkit DeluxeWordPress Toolkit interface (cPanel >> Home >> Application >> WordPress Toolkit).

    This feature only displays on servers that you install the WordPress Toolkit plugin.

  • Zone Editor (A, CNAME) — Enables cPanel’s Zone Editor interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Zone Editor) and allows cPanel account users to create A and CNAME records.

    This feature only applies to A, CNAME, and MX records that the cPanel account user created. To allow cPanel account users to view the system’s default A, CNAME, and MX records, enable the Zone Editor (AAAA, CAA, SRV, TXT) feature.

  • Zone Editor (AAAA, CAA, SRV, TXT) — Allows cPanel account users to create AAAA, CAA, SRV, and TXT records in cPanel’s Zone Editor interface (cPanel >> Home >> Domains >> Zone Editor). This feature also controls whether a cPanel account user can view the existing default A, MX, and CNAME records.

    To allow cPanel account users to view these records, you must enable this feature.

Js Blocker 5

Additional Documentation

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