Stitch photos together using our online editor. Use our template chooser to arrange photos in horizontal or vertical arrangement. Do one of the following: Select Insert Pictures This Device for a picture on your PC. Select Insert Pictures Stock Images for high quality images or backgrounds. Select Insert Pictures Online Pictures for a picture on the web.
You’ve just typed up a masterpiece, and all that’s remaining is that beautiful image to adorn the right side of your document. But you go to insert an image, and it gets inserted within text, on the left side of the screen, and you just can’t seem to move it. The first tree crack. Frustrated yet?
Here are instructions on how to add and adjust an image within Microsoft Word.
- Place your cursor where you would like your image to be located. Your cursor will likely be on the left-hand side of your document. Even if you want your image on the right-hand side, place your cursor at the level you would like the image.
- Go to the Menu item Insert -> Picture -> From File…
- Choose the image from your computer and press the Insert button.
- Now, right-click directly on the image and choose the Format Picture option.
- Find the area that refers to the Layout of the image.
- Choose the “Behind text” option and click ok.
- You can now move the image wherever you want on the screen, even behind text.
- Also, after clicking on the image, you can adjust the size of the image (preferably smaller, you will distort the image if you try to go bigger) using one of the corner dots to drag that inside.
How To Add Photo In Word Document
How To Add Photo In Word Mobile
And there you go, you have added an image to your Word Document that you can move with ease. If you have any questions about the process, please respond by issuing a comment below.
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